Just a Bit about Me

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I love living in the South: great weather and kind, friendly people here! I have an awesome adult daughter who continues to amaze and delight me at every turn. I write mysteries for fun, love-Love-LOVE dark chocolate, and am experimenting here with a food holiday blog. Hope you'll drop me a line from time to time!

Friday, September 10, 2010

An Open Letter to Pastor Terry Jones on the Eve of 9/11


Pastor Terry Jones
Dove World Outreach Church
Gainesville, FL

Dear Pastor Jones,

Did your mother not teach you that two wrongs do not make a right? Your decision to continue with the burning of Qurans to protest the September 11, 2001 attack by al Qaeda will not 'fix' what happened. Nothing can make that 'right,' Pastor Jones, and your actions will send the wrong message to the terrorists. Do you really believe they will peacefully acknowledge your protest and think, 'Gosh, I'm sorry I hurt your great nation?" In case you haven't noticed, al-Qaeda acts like a bully. Your action will cause an 'I'll do you one-better' action on their part. You are handing terrorists a built-in excuse to punish our innocent citizens, citizens who have nothing to do with your misguided protest.

Your self-aggrandizing actions will, in all probability, cause terrorists attacks to be perpetrated upon our soil in the near if not immediate future; innocent men, women, and children may be maimed or killed because you want to protest what was done to us. A way of life that so many Americans have had to rebuild in one way or another since that fateful day will be shattered.

I have news for you, Pastor Jones. The good citizens of America already protest that horrific event every day. We may not wail and weep and mourn loudly in the public eye for our nations' loss, and the loss of so many families' loved ones, but it is indelibly stamped within our hearts, souls, and psyche. For you to protest in a way that you have acknowledged will stir up radical elements is not only irresponsible but morally reprehensible. You are endangering the lives of our service men and women, and all Americans, around the globe. You are endangering the lives of your family, of those who attend the church right next to yours.

Two wrongs don't make a right, Pastor Jones. I can't figure out your motivation, or why you chose this time to protest. Why now - why not nine years ago? Why not have a Protest for Peace instead of deliberately, knowingly antagonizing terrorists? Why did you feel the need to involve the press in this? Why, when you are supposed to be a man of God, did you choose to intentionally do something so inflammatory that blood will run because of your actions?

I've heard you say that you and your flock are 'praying about it.' I would ask that you quit throwing your voice up to God so that you can listen to Him tell you not to do this incendiary thing.

"Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord." Do you remember that part of the Bible?

Do you not see the big picture? Please, don't do this.


Catherine Thorne
Raleigh, NC

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