Just a Bit about Me

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I love living in the South: great weather and kind, friendly people here! I have an awesome adult daughter who continues to amaze and delight me at every turn. I write mysteries for fun, love-Love-LOVE dark chocolate, and am experimenting here with a food holiday blog. Hope you'll drop me a line from time to time!

My Daily Dose of Gratitude

9/10/10: There are a few things that hit me right away when I decided (just this very instant - 12:24pm) to begin recording things for which I am grateful.  
  1. The life I've lived - I wouldn't trade all the bad crap for any amount of money because I was blessed with a wonderful daughter.
  2. The ocean - it provides me solace, cleans out the cobwebs in my soul, and connects me back to me.
  3. Hummingbirds. I'm grateful for the reminder that strength and fortitude resides in all of us if we just push ourself hard enough.
  4. Bumblebees - they shouldn't be able to fly...but they do.
  5. Possibilities. I'm so thankful that I'm awake to the possibilities in my life.
  6. Cool nights and open windows. What a wondeful night's sleep!
  7. Managing. I'm very thankful to the universe that I'm managing myself toward my ultimate goal.
  8. Laundry. I love the way my apartment smells so fresh and clean when I do laundry.
  9. Chance encounters. I met a woman this morning as I was leaving my parking lot for work. She was dressed in the most beautiful, jewelled, authentic African clothing I have ever seen. Wrapped in a pale green, hand embroidered delicate cotton scarf she glowed with happiness. I stopped beside her and complimented her on her outfit. She thanked me and said today was her country's (Africa) holiday and she was wearing her native dress in celebration.
  10. Writing. I finally have a way to express all those things I've kept bottled up for so many years.