Hello again. It's been a while since I've blogged here and I've missed talking about herbs and sharing my finds and ideas and thoughts with you. I spent some time yesterday with my dear friend Dalia, buying all kinds of fresh herbs at Harmony Farms. That's my go-to place because they carry Frontier brand herbs in bulk so I know I'm always getting fresh, organic, and whenever possible, wildcrafted herbs. Oh, I can't even begin to describe the scents I inhaled each time I opened a different bottle or jar to scoop out just the amount I needed. It was like opening gifts on Christmas morning when I was young: each time I opened a container, I ooohhhed and aaaahhhed with the fresh smells - so fresh I could taste the scent. You know, that's one of the secrets to making all things herbal be they decoctions, infusions, creams, salves, or in my case, teas. Buy only the amount you need, and buy only the best quality you can afford. I've found that if I buy too much, and it sits around too long, the herbs go stale on me and using stale herbs is the same as using no herbs at all: there's no flavor and none of the medicinal properties left. Oh, and yes, which company you buy from really does make a difference in the quality of the herb you end up with.
I needed to relax last night. After dinner with the Triangle Women's Social MeetUp where I met a kindred writing soul and future travel gal-pal, my brain was whirling with ideas; I was so wired and inspired to write that I spent an hour working on my story. It's half an hour from midnight by this time and I know that I have to quit and go to bed so I can get to work in the morning. I slowly, reverently opened my bags of earthy, herbal goodness and spent a few moments just inhaling the wonderful aromas. This small, intentional act of deliberate enjoyment was soothing in and of itself. I proceeded to bring my water just to the edge of boil and removed it from the heat before I dropped in the herbs to steep.
Here's what I used:
Tea: Loose Lady Grey tea leaves (I prefer the decaf blend when I want to unwind): I love the aromatics of the bergamot. Smell is a powerful sleep agent...try lavender in your pillowcase.
Scullcap*: Works well against anxiety, insomnia, and hypertension.
Rose Hips: I added rose hips (or rose haws) because they have such a tangy flavor to them. Besides being an excellent source of vitamin C, rose hips also contain vitamins A, D and E, and flavinoids (antioxidants). Known to ease headaches and dizziness.
Chamomile: This is a wonder herb! Not only does it soothe nerves but is also known to settle upset stomachs, relieves muscle spasms and helps with menstrual cramps, reduces inflammation and helps relieve rhumatism. However, the best benefit, besides the mild fruity taste and aroma, is that chamomile boosts the immune system and fights infections associated with colds. Yep...all that from a little white flower that looks like a mini-daisy.
Hops: Used as a treatment for anxiety, restlessness, and insomnia.
Valerian: Used against sleeping disorders, restlessness and anxiety, and as a muscle relaxant.
*Do NOT use scullcap during pregnancy!!!!
I'm trying to lose weight so I didn't add any sugar, honey or artificial sweetner (one little taste of sweet and I crave so much more of it so I have to wean myself off it completely for a while) but you might like some if you prefer a sweet beverage over slightly tangy. If that's the case, I recommend fresh crushing fresh peppermint or spearmint leaves to release the essential volatile oils and dropping them in the tea after it has steeped. All natural sweetner!
So, you can see from the descriptions that by blending the proper amounts of the above herbs, a good night's sleep can be had in a quick, gentle, natural way.
I hope you give my Un-Wired Tea a try and let me know how it worked for you.
Until next time,
Let thy kitchen be thy apothecary; and,
Let foods be your medicine.
- Hippocratus
One woman's love of herbs, spices, and all things food is celebrated here.
Just a Bit about Me

- Cathy Thorne
- I love living in the South: great weather and kind, friendly people here! I have an awesome adult daughter who continues to amaze and delight me at every turn. I write mysteries for fun, love-Love-LOVE dark chocolate, and am experimenting here with a food holiday blog. Hope you'll drop me a line from time to time!
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