I have nothing I can really share at the moment - got my feelings hurt yesterday by a friend, frustrated with how slowly I'm progressing to get where I want to go, worried about finding another job, missing having a man-friend, bored with feeling this way...
Let me rephrase that: I have too much to share today. Too many thoughts to write anything clearly. I need to think things through today and make a plan. Time to start making Action Lists. Hmmm~that's a good plan. Action Lists. I can do it in Project and make time lines. I'll have completion dates. I'll take back the control of my life. Ennui is a seductive siren but the river of strength that runs through my veins hears no call but that of my soul. Hah, take that, ennui! Go away, Fate. I'm walking (and sometimes crawling) on my path and even though it's the one less traveled, I will one day arrive at destination's end.
One woman's love of herbs, spices, and all things food is celebrated here.
Just a Bit about Me

- Cathy Thorne
- I love living in the South: great weather and kind, friendly people here! I have an awesome adult daughter who continues to amaze and delight me at every turn. I write mysteries for fun, love-Love-LOVE dark chocolate, and am experimenting here with a food holiday blog. Hope you'll drop me a line from time to time!
we ALL experience getting our feelings hurt from time to time..it's unfortunate but true. I hope things begin to look up for you and you take action with one of your many wonderful ideas..and those actions bring you wealth, happiness and harmony in your life.